Christian Denzel Bufford

AEA Member
Christian Bufford


Philmore in Jitney

Larry in Fat Ham

In five seasons at OSF: Don John in Much Ado About Nothing, Porthos in The Three Musketeers, Seaweed in Hairspray, Ensemble in Oklahoma, Ensemble in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and Ensemble in Mary Zimmerman’s The Odyssey. Chicago: Goodman Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theater, The Black Ensemble Theater, Marriott Theatre, Paramount Theatre, The House Theatre. Regional: American Repertory Theater, Lincoln Center, Nice Work If You Can Get It (First National Tour), Stages St Louis, SpeakEasy Stage Company, Riverside Theatre, The Engeman Theater. Television: Chicago Fire. Education: BFA, Boston Conservatory; North Carolina School of The Arts. IG: @ChrixtianDenzel